I think this has to be my favourite fun exercise to do with graphics and it will keep your students busy for a couple of hours at least, whilst you also get a whole world of fabulous artwork to put up on your classroom walls too. Oh and as it's all done using www.photopea.com then no-one has the excuse for not doing the work as they have access to the site 24/7.

Oh and even you old teaching hands may learn something new, after all did you know www.remove.bg was a thing? It is and it saves hours of magic wanding / tolerance / lassooing / erasing etc...

vid 1 - sourcing images for our creation

vid 2 - working with Photopea

Can you do any better than these? Click on the images for larger versions or if you want to see more then head to www.coldwarsteve.com 

cold1   cold 3